3/4/10 (saturday)
went 0ut v my l0vely sis at pavili0n`
watch movie (how to train yr dragon)
yeah~ nice movie~!!!
sweet home 8.30pm**
here,, i would like to tell you all..
i'm jobless person now..
finally,, miss kallyn din call us at all..
fine~!!! i will find other work..
the problem is.. i lack of m0ney now!!
without m0ney cant go shopping~!!!
without m0ney cant sing k v ji mui~!!!
without m0ney cant hang 0ut~!!!
aiyayayaya~~~~ really make me headache`
but,, be4 tat.. i will learn my driving..
i will do my test sucessfully``!!
i love him**
i miss him**
i need him**
i kiss him**
finally,, you're my mr. right~!! ^^
n i'm yr mrs.tan.. hoho~~~~~